A Guide To Knowing When Your Brakes May Need Work

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If you have noticed that it seems to take longer for your car to stop or you find yourself riding the brake much more frequently than you used to, you probably already know that you should get the car to a good mechanic. However, you may be surprised that contrary to the commercials commonly seen on television, there are a variety of problems it could be besides just the brake pads. Below is information about some other common problems your brakes may provide when they need a little TLC from a trusted mechanic.

Check To See If The Brake Pads Have Thinned-- Even If You Have Not Yet Heard A Squeaky Sound

All too often, drivers will wait till they hear the brakes squeaking to schedule a trip to the brake specialist. That is not the best idea because if you typically drive in a lot of traffic or have passengers in your car, you may not hear the squeaks until significant damage has been done to the brake pads. Therefore, if it has been a while since you last had the brake pads replaced, you should take a minute to inspect them personally.

The good news is that doing so is fairly simple for the majority of vehicles. After turning off the vehicle and allowing it to cool, sit on the ground, so that you get a good view. Look through the wheel of your car. You will usually see the rotor within it, which is shiny and metal. The outside of the rotor is the caliper and between the two, you should be able to see the brake pad.  If it is not at least 1/4 inch thick, it is likely to need new brake pads.  

Make Sure Your Motions Are Controlling The Car (Not The Other Way Around)

If you want to make a right turn, but your vehicle seems bound and determined to turn left or it is exceptionally challenging to stay in the appropriate lane, it might not be your imagination. In fact, it could be an issue with the caliper. If the caliper is stuck and not fully releasing from its existing position, your car will frequently seem to pull to the affected side.

Similar symptoms could occur as the result of uneven brake pads. Since brake pads typically wear out at the same rate for most vehicles, this issue could occur following a mistake the last time that your brake pads were changed out. Regardless, if you experience either of these issues, you should not waste any time getting your car seen by a braking expert.

In conclusion, brakes are one of the most important attributes of any vehicle. Therefore, it is a good idea for every driver to be aware of a few less common symptoms your vehicle may give you when a problem is developing with the braking system.
